Workspace Design Show

26 – 27 February 2025 | Business Design Centre, London

Tara Hack

Principal, Design at Woodalls

As Principal of Design at Woodalls, Tara’s role intercepts every aspect of the design and construction business and is always underpinned with people and leadership. Whether clients, the design team or the wider business, she strives to understand how people experience and interact with their work environments. As the workplace rules have changed or been disbanded forever, how do spaces have to adapt? How do we hold our client’s hands through the process of reimagining their places of work?

Tara’s background bridges design and a variety of experiences that sit outside of that due to her business degree. The merger of creativity and logic helps make her approach unique in the industry. She has lived and breathed design as her calling for the last 15 years and has always found that evaluating the needs of client’s works best when approached from many different perspectives and a backbone of creative problem solving and clear communication.

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