Neil Usher,
VP Places
Sometimes, when we create something, we wonder why it’s never been done before. Especially as we often hear that every supposed new invention is a re-hash of old ideas. So we think: perhaps we’ve misjudged the situation entirely, and it can’t be done? Maybe it was so blindingly obvious everyone thought someone else would do it, so it wasn’t worth starting, but nobody did? We just ask an AI to set it out for us? Or, possibly, we’ve all been too busy doing it to write about doing it?
In this instance, it’s the journey from a twinkle of an idea to a finished, fully operating workspace. It just doesn’t exist. Which is quite something, given how many workspaces have been created, and are in progress even as we read this.
Overlaid on every unique situation are a multitude of phased flowcharts, and at the table are arrayed the required professions with decades of experience and stories to tell, ready to gather more. But very often, especially with small or medium sized enterprises, the client has never done this before. And to them, all those flowcharts laid end to end seem to lead back to today. It can be a scary place. There’s usually a lot of optimism, excitement and money at stake
Formed from over a half a century of combined experience, and illustrated with true stories of learning the hard way, Workspace Made Easy, out in July 2024 (published by Routledge), sets out the whole journey, star to finish, in plain and simple jargon-free language. It’s as much for those running their first workspace project, needing a guide every step of the way, as it is for those leading their hundredth, requiring some clarity.
So while in this book there are no new paradigms or panaceas, no concepts or big ideas, no theories or predictions, that the book now exists is entirely new. It doesn’t say what we should have, but how we get what we need. So that we can concentrate on the interesting stuff.
Of course, we could have misjudged the situation entirely, and should never have attempted it. Or, it could just be the best 0.001% of the project budget you ever spent. Creating fantastic workspace may just be that easy.
Workspace Made Easy: a clear and practical guide on how to create a fantastic work environment by Kursty Groves and Neil Usher.
Use code EFLY01 to get 20% off when you pre-order at the Routledge website: